Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chernobyl & Fukushima Ad Campaign

Some input from prof Angela & classmates:  preference seems to be go with either the slogan:  What's In a Number    or   Chernobyl?     Fukushima?     My preference is the former.  It lends itself to sharing info about statistics important relating to what happened back in 1986 and impact to this day.  Prof Angela wanted me to incorporate Fukushima nuclear accident as well - link the two because that is uppermost in minds at this time.  

I will try to use 3 different media such as 11x17 poster to use around college campus,   bus ad (inside Metro bus); and considering youTube as 3rd media to use.

Below is link to check out as recommended in Social Media Marketing - the Next Generation of Business Engagement  by Dave Evans


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ad Campaign: Numbers Don't Lie - Chernobyl's Legacy

Numbers to be put on ad would be year of Chernobyl nuclear explosion, 25, other stats such as number of children with thyroid legacy...maybe in series of 'teaser' ads.

Ad Campaign images: hope

The above images may support a campaign with a slogan such as HOPE - extinguish nuclear power, Chernobyl No More; Better to Light a Candle than Curse the Darkness (citizens against nuclear power)

Chernobyl Ad Campaign images: Chernobyl

Chernobyl Ad Campaign slogans

What's In a Number?  eg  poster series  1  nuclear accident, incidents of thyroid cancer and birth defects  
Chernobyl @ 25 years - Nothing to Celebrate
Ghosts of Chernobyl
Forgotten Children
Faces of Chernobyl:  Then & Now
Stand By Me
Hope or Hopeless
The Deadly Silence
Remember One
Broken Pieces
The 1986 Exodus