Friday, June 10, 2011

What's in a Number? Final comps

Whew, the class is over - it was a LOT of work.  Never worked so hard in a graphic design class. But I am happy with the results and learned how to expand on a concept and build unity within an ad campaign.  Only two more required classes before I get my graphic design certificate - YEA!  

THANK YOU Prof Angela Willcocks for all your help!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My concept for Chernobyl/Fukushima ad campaign

chernobyl fukushima
ideas to move forward with  - tag-lines to include concept of numbers 

campaign idea:  chernobyl and fukushima  impact via numbers  -highlights problems associated with a nuclear reactor disaster  and effects of radiation.  i will be using ambient advertisement techniques  and social media and urban and college advertisements.  

what's in a number?

using numbers  (statistics) to  inform public  scientifically about the impact of nuclear energy and hazards.  numbers tell story (impact) of how many people are affected.  (deaths, cancer, food contaminated, psychological impact)
compare fukushima to chernobyl numbers; eg poster/flyers eg 8.5 x 11 with only number on it (teaser ad) -  short time/days later -link random number around campus to inform/ relate to fact eg # of deaths or persons with thyroid cancer   - posters & flyers (will include link to facebook group)
 later f/u flyers with answers - eg placed around campus
take photos around campus with dif students holding signs with only number on it

may hire students & encourage them to wear black hooded jacket with sunglasses & carry signs with serious demeanor to give impression of doom & gloom

use water-based paints to do guerilla/grafitti ads around campus, eg bathroom walls, windows, floors   to 'spray-paint' numbers  and few days later have f/u 8.5x11 flyer referencing number eg 25  to 25th anniversary of chernobyl   

what are your odds  (poster) to tease people to think  - it could happen to u. what are your odds links to numbers  and double your chances game.  

place on community boards  around local businesses  starbucks,   on  bus  ,  metro   campus or student oriented places    

may put lottery cards attached  ( tag-line double your chances)  informing what is in posters, cards  back  has facts & images informing
lotto tickets  to inform public about stats  and images -  statistically about chances  -linking the what is in a number statistically to a fact.  

using idea of lottery  to create and interactive game  that inform students  about random numbers.  

volunteers or paid 'staff' may be wearing black hooded jacket with sunglasses (like the grim reaper)  to hand  out lottery tickets or paid  - will hand out  and strategically leave tickets around campus.    front of library -    student activities  -  put in in car like parking tickets (that may get attention of student)

media:   (we're to use 3 dif media)
  poster on campus, bus ad over seats?, youTube?, later decided on Facebook group send to college age niece and she can forward to her friends 'Join the cause - increase awareness of chernobyl & fukushima aftermath.  folks in group can add comments and add posts, post photos of themselves & friends holding numbers related to fukushima or chernobyl;   maybe up-date numbers as they come in?? and post those??  Consider setting up pdfs  - downloadable  statistics - where facebook user can go around  campus  and stencil    -  downloadable stencils to print and cut out & participate with cause.  

guest speaker for ad 2 class commented on importance of social networking and its  power and impact:  when someone likes a pg -  friends can see what i've liked - see what's going on - that activity is visible to my friends - then i may like it  and spreads to other friends. ea person who consumes and delivers content to the social network becomes soc network to what i like  -extends reach of campaign  .  see that i like the page  - for viral potential.  can post picture on my facebook page - ask my friends to like it....and see how far it goes....??? for my own project?  

we tend to tune in more to these types of info sharing cuz we're not tuned out to them    interwoven with status updates    - so cant filter it out      cant mute these commercials  

angela wants ambient ad (out in community where ad is worked into the environment)
maybe at local community store where they sell lotto tickets - put flyer with numbers pull off with stats behind?    maybe bus ad  - one panel with number; nearby panel with statistical fact related to the number  poster with numbers game  and blank black space where they pull out lotto tickets  with numbers and facts on back  

Chernobyl research

Some are links, some are references to articles, etc.

People, 4/24/2006, Vol. 65 Issue 16, p104-110, 7p, 8

CHERNOBYL, MY HOME. Newsweek (Atlantic Edition), 01637053, 5/1/2006, Vol. 147, Issue 18

CHERNOBYL REVISITED. By: De Leo, Maryann, Discover, 02747529, Jun2007, Vol. 28, Issue 6

Chernobyl  The Ongoing Story of the World's Deadliest Nuclear Disaster  by Glenn Alan Cheney

Fukushima research

As the semester nears final week - it's a mad rush to finish blog, process book, final comps for ad campaign...plow away a bit at a time.

The following research helps me find stats relevant to food contamination in Japan.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chernobyl & Fukushima Ad Campaign

Some input from prof Angela & classmates:  preference seems to be go with either the slogan:  What's In a Number    or   Chernobyl?     Fukushima?     My preference is the former.  It lends itself to sharing info about statistics important relating to what happened back in 1986 and impact to this day.  Prof Angela wanted me to incorporate Fukushima nuclear accident as well - link the two because that is uppermost in minds at this time.  

I will try to use 3 different media such as 11x17 poster to use around college campus,   bus ad (inside Metro bus); and considering youTube as 3rd media to use.

Below is link to check out as recommended in Social Media Marketing - the Next Generation of Business Engagement  by Dave Evans

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ad Campaign: Numbers Don't Lie - Chernobyl's Legacy

Numbers to be put on ad would be year of Chernobyl nuclear explosion, 25, other stats such as number of children with thyroid legacy...maybe in series of 'teaser' ads.