Wednesday, March 23, 2011

paleta flavors - the list could be endless

tamarindo, hibiscus flower
mango con chile
helado de agua
cucumbers with chile
paletas de agua
pico de gallo paleta made with pineapple
icama, cucumber and mango
nuez (nut)
coconut paleta de aqua
passion fruit, blackberry, soursop, nopales fruit,
 coconut, cantaloupe, watermelon, pistachio

1 comment:

  1. Aguacate - avocado (mild-flavored; don't worry, it doesn't taste like guacamole)

    Almendra - almond

    Amaretto - the same (the almond-flavored liqueur)

    Arrayan - green tropical fruit, with a flavor like guava and strawberry together

    Arroz Con Leche - "rice with milk" (basically rice pudding)

    Betabel - beet

    Cacahuate - peanut

    Cajeta - goat-milk caramel

    Camarón - shrimp (yes, shrimp!)

    Cereza - cherry

    Chamoy - a sweet-spicy mixture of sweet fruit (like mango or plum) with chile

    Chicle - bubble gum

    Choco Chips - chocolate chip

    Choco Menta - mint chocolate chip

    Chocolate Amargo - bitter chocolate

    Chongos - similar to cottage cheese with vanilla and cinnamon

    Ciruela Pasa - prune (dried plum)

    Crema de Limón - lemon curd (like lemon custard)

    Crema de Naranja - orange curd (like orange custard)

    Duraznos con Crema - peaches and cream

    Elote - corn

    Frambuesa - raspberry

    Fresa - strawberry

    Fresas Con Crema - strawberries and cream

    Frutas Secas - dried fruit

    Galleta Oreo - Oreo cookie

    Grosella - gooseberry

    Guanabana - soursop (flavor not very strong but sweet and sour)

    Guayaba - guava

    Hierbabuena - mint

    Higo - fig

    Horchata - basically cinnamon rice milk

    Jamaica - hibiscus flower (deep red, floral)

    Leche quemada - scorched milk (an acquired taste...)

    Limon - lime (not lemon, which is rarely encountered in Mexican cuisine)

    Mamey - salmon-colored fruit with a pumpkin/cherry-like flavor

    Mandarina - tangerine

    Mantequilla - butter!

    Manzana - apple

    Maracuya - passion fruit

    Medias de Seda - a cocktail made of tequila, condensed milk and grenadine

    Melon - melon (cantaloupe)

    Miel - honey

    Nanche - a type of light-green fruit with a strong, tropical flavor

    Naranja - orange

    Nata - cream

    Nescafe - coffee

    Nuez - walnut

    Ostión - oyster (um, yeah, oyster)

    Pera - pear

    Piña Colada - pineapple and coconut

    Piñon Blanco - white pine nuts

    Piñon Rosa - pink pine nuts

    Pitaya - dragonfruit (similar to kiwi, but white and with a more perfumey smell)

    Plátano - banana

    Queso - cheese (think cheesecake, not blue or cheddar!)

    Rompope - egg nog

    Ron Con Pasas - rum raisin

    Sandia - watermelon

    Tamarindo - tamarind (sweet, sour and a bit pungent)

    Té verde - green tea

    Toronja - grapefruit

    Tuna - don't worry! "tuna" means cactus fruit (which is delicious)

    Uva - grape

    Vainilla - vanilla

    Yogurth - yogurt

    Zanahoria - carrot

    Zapote Negro - a type of fruit with a chocolatey, date-like dark-brown flesh (I love it!)

    Zarza Con Queso - blackberry cheesecake

    Zarzamora - blackberry
